

Gabriele Stöger
Gravetsch 54 
I-39040 Villanders
MwSt. Nr. 03 26 04 50 212
E-Mail: info@rasiglerhof.it
 Tel: +39 0472 843350
Tax number: STG GRL 69S 50Z 112O
CIN: IT 021 114 B5 WE2P4OOZ

Rights of use
All texts, all photos, all design elements of this server are protected by copyright for the website Rasiglerhof. Any use outside the narrow limits of the copyright law without the consent of the operator of the Rasiglerhof website is prohibited.
Copyright: Alex Filz; Helmut Moling; RoterHahn/ Frieder Blickle

Note according to the German Teleservices Act
For internet pages of third parties, to which the operator of the website Rasiglerhof refers to by so-called links, the respective providers are responsible. The operator of the website Rasiglerhof is not responsible for the content of such third party sites. Furthermore, the operator of the Rasiglerhof website may be linked to other websites via so-called links without its knowledge. The operator of the Rasiglerhof website accepts no responsibility for representations, content or any connection to the Rasiglerhof website in third-party websites. The operator of the Rasiglerhof website is only responsible for third-party content if it has positive knowledge of such content (i.e. also of illegal or criminal content) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for the operator of the Rasiglerhof website to prevent its use. The operator of the website Rasiglerhof is not obligated after the teleservice law however to constantly examine strange contents.